Rap Guide to Legal & Business Matters

Yo, yo, listen up, I got a story to tell

About the legal world and running a small business so well

First off, if you’re thinking of starting your own gig

Check out this guide to starting a small business, it’s big

Legal tips and advice to keep you in the clear

So you can focus on making your business premiere

Next up, if you need a sales rep on your team

Get that sample contract and live the dream

Make sure everything’s official, no funny business here

Now, let’s talk education, is sixth form full time or what’s the deal

Get your facts straight and know what’s real

International business majors, are you curious about the salary

Check out the average pay, it’s no fallacy

Thinking of a law career in the big city, NYC

Find out about law jobs in NYC, it’s where you wanna be

If you’re in Washington state, know the legal alcohol limit

Stay safe and keep it tight, so you don’t get in a legal predicament

ACH rules changing in 2022, what’s the deal

Find out the key changes for your business to seal the deal

Watch out for the misuse of laws in India, it’s a real ordeal

Know your rights and stay informed, that’s the deal

Last but not least, if you’re dealing with civil procedure

Understand the bill of costs rules and never be caught off guard for sure

So there you have it, a rap guide to legal and business matters

Stay informed, stay sharp, and watch your business swaggers